Access to a supply of clean, healthy water is the backbone of your life and the function of your DFW home. But your water may have many impurities in it, depending on the source of your supply. Water with a strange taste, smell or color may have bacteria, heavy metals or chemical contaminants.
A whole-home water filtration system, provided by our Mr. Plumber team, will ensure the water flowing through your home is safe and healthy. Keep reading to learn more about whole-house water filters.
What Is A Whole-House Filtration System?
Whole-house water filters are sometimes referred to as Point-of-Entry (POE) filters. They are placed at the main entry point of your home’s water supply and filter it from there before it reaches your plumbing fixtures.
POE filters capture contaminants to ensure you have access to softer, cleaner, less odorous drinking water. They are designed to filter the water supplied to each water outlet in your home, including shower heads and appliances.
Benefits Of A Whole-House Water Filter
Investing in a whole-house water filtration system improves the quality of water flowing through your home’s pipes and fixtures. This means you will have access to cleaner, healthier water for drinking, bathing, cooking and doing laundry.
Other benefits of whole-home water filter systems include:
- Reduce water contaminants, and potential medical problems caused by exposure to them
- Softens hard water, which improves the health of your skin and hair, and the cleanliness of clothes and dishes
- Provides healthier water for you, your pets and plants
- Improves the quality and flavor of drinks and food
- Great for well water or water with a strong odor
- Pipes are less likely to clog
- Can extend the lifespan of your appliances
The Best Water Filter Types
Exploring the many kinds of water filtration systems can get overwhelming, especially when comparing the cost of each. The first step to deciding which filter is the best for your home is understanding what is contaminating your water supply. Once you know what impurities you want removed, you can narrow down which filtration method(s) will be most effective for your home.
Whole-House Filter Systems
- Reverse-Osmosis: Removes the widest variety of contaminants. But they produce more wastewater, need more maintenance, and are more expensive. They may also filter good minerals out of your water.
- Carbon-Based: Removes chlorine, which is one of the most common contaminants causing poor-tasting water. They are also cheaper and need less maintenance. In addition to these, an extra POE filter may be necessary to remove other particulates.
Point-Of-Use Filter Systems
Point-Of-Use (POU) filters are less expensive and easier to install than POE filters. Below are some popular options to get clean drinking water, without breaking the bank.
- Faucet-Mounted: Attach to faucets, can easily be switched on/off, are inexpensive and require regular replacement.
- Water Pitcher: Are built into pitchers, require no installation and are the least expensive filters. They come in various pore sizes and the filter requires regular replacement.
- Faucet-Integrated: Exist inside the faucet, can easily be switched on/off, but are more expensive and require professional installation.
Dallas Water Filtration
In addition to what the filter is designed to remove, there are many things to consider when deciding which water filter is the best for your home. Mr. Plumber’s professional technicians can help you understand the flow rate, maintenance requirements and other installation questions you have!
We have served DFW residents with 100% satisfaction guarantees since 1987, so call us today and schedule a free water test!