This is Allie, the plumber’s apprentice, with Mr. Plumber Plumbing Company at St. Phillip’s College plumbing lab. We all know that the sounds of a running toilet can drive you insane. To stop those maddening noises, we’ll show you how to fix your own flapper.
For this do-it-yourself project, you’re going to need your channel locks, your screwdriver and a utility knife. Make sure that the shut off works and that it is turned off. You do not want any water coming into this fixture while you’re working on it.
Remove the tank lid of the toilet. Flush the toilet until all the water is out of the tank. Remove the flapper by unhooking it from the handle and the flush valve. Put the new flapper in. Make sure that the chain is not too tight or too loose; ideally, there is a slight curve or hang. If you have any problems with your do-it-yourself activity, do not hesitate to call your local plumbing professional. For more tips or information you can check us out on mrplumbersa.com.